Monday, August 17, 2009

Keeping Healthy

The following is an assortment of resources and info. shared with us from YDS's national office. 

Health care industry profit spread

Gary Peters Town Hall on Health Care: Show UP!

594Rep.GaryPetersDEMMIDistrict 9Host Job Fair9/3

Marriot Pontiac-Auburn Hills 9:30 a.m.

Healthcare professionals are hanging the flyers linked above in their examination rooms and offices all over the country.  Patients are sharing them with families and colleagues. 

Make copies and take the flyers with you to the healthcare reform town halls and other events!  Pass them out to your Senators, Representatives and to the Press.  Send them to your friends and colleagues.

The Right's Strategy for Town Hall Meetings
The blog Talking Points Memo has retrieved the following talking points -- which is in its entirety in the link below -- that detail an intentional harassment strategy against Democratic members of Congress.

Complete details here

Tips include:You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep's
presentation. Watch for an opportunity to yell out and
challenge the Rep's statements early. If he blames Bush
for something or offers other excuses -- call him on it,
yell back and have someone else follow-up with a shout-
out. Don't carry on and make a scene -- just short
intermittent shout outs. The purpose is to make him
uneasy early on and set the tone for the hall as clearly
informal, and free-wheeling. It will also embolden
others who agree with us to call out and challenge with
tough questions. The goal is to rattle him, get him off
his prepared script and agenda. If he says something
outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right down.
Look for these opportunities before he even takes

Health Care is at a critical point; the best results will come from dialogue, activism is encouraged, but we are reminded by the American Right how NOT to engage and sustain democracy.

Please feel free to contact MSU YDS if you are interested in working on a campus or community project related to the success of single payer health care in America.

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