Sunday, October 28, 2007

Brief on the Origins of Conservatism in Fear: A Message for MSUYDS Unity

A message from a fellow YDS member, RC Smith. He created a blog for YDS last year, but it has since been replaced with this one. I wanted his word to get here it is:

Conservatism is born of fear. In many cases it is categorical, identifiable by an affinity for a specific fear. Take for example the xenophobia and homophobia that runs rampant amongst conservative idealists. The fear of something "new," "strange," "foreign," or "queer" all stems from the general fear of the unknown. How is it that our nation is to prosper and GROW if it does not consider, recognize, teach, or acknowledge differing opinions, ideals, or identities? This is a question that we, as members of MSUYDS, must seriously consider as we strive to introduce an alternate ideology that has been characteristically shunned because of its inaccurate portrayal, but which is ironically ripe with ideals embraced by many members of our university, community, state, country, and world. As members of MSUYDS, we are among the unknown and will undoubtedly be feared; feared not only because of our "differing" ideals, but also because of our potential strength. Any negative light shown our way will rise out of the same fear of the unknown that has plagued our nation for far too long. MSUYDS members; know thy enemy in order to know thyself. What do we fight against and more importantly, what is it that we fight for? Through a clear understanding of our opposition we will be able to determine the correct course of action to pursue, employing the talents that each of us has to offer, in order to achieve our place in history as a united front.

I have no doubt that the argument can be reversed to say that our movement is born of fear as well. In addition I don't doubt the reversal's merit. I AM afraid that if we refuse to acknowledge our nation's historical shortcomings we will be doomed to repeat them in the future. As cliche as the outlook may be it is no less true. Every day is a new day in history and worthy of the utmost scrutiny. Pay close attention though, the potential reversal of our argument will give our enemies the instant gratification that they seek; that first taste of blood in the water. I say enemies because they will search for flaws within each and every one of us in order to ultimately connect personality flaws to our supposedly "flawed" political and social philosophies. Simply stumbling on an untied shoelace captured in the correct lighting with a clever caption can provide enough ammunition to feed their ravenous appetite for self gratification. Undoubtedly, our enemies will consider it the cleverest of antics to carry out the scheme I have outlined, but no matter, let it be a lesson in disguise, an example of our perpetual tutelage. Brothers and sisters in solidarity, with each shoelace you tie, remember that every inch of you is a representation of our organization and each of its members. While we certainly differ from individual to individual, we are united under the banner of YDS, and as is the case of any organization, unity is strength. Do not be discouraged though, nor think of this reality as a dismal one, rather embrace it as an acknowledgement of the great power that resides within each of you that you are fully capable of wielding.

While we should be wary of seeking only instantaneous self-gratification, we must learn to appreciate any and all small victories and acknowledge them as stepping stones. It is important to measure our actions in relation to their contribution to the pursuits of YDS. This is a perfect way to integrate the organization's goal of praxis into our everyday lives. In this sense praxis is the acceptance nay, embrace of practicality as we strive to achieve our ideological goals. We must remember to think in terms of positives and negatives, steps forward and backward, for every action has a reaction that we must be prepared to meet or greet. It is all a matter of perception as to how we meet the challenges that we will certainly face. It is vital that our collective mindset be positive and driven so as to achieve the goals we set each and every day for ourselves and our organization. As the Black Panther Party brought with it its life affirming Ten-Point Program, MSUYDS must bring a sense of fulfillment, that its actions are for the greater good, for the betterment of society, for the growth of the organization, and for its members as individuals.

In solidarity,
RC Smith

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