Thursday, April 10, 2008

Contact Congressman Bart Stupak, Stop HR4088!

Urgent! Calls are needed to the office of Bart Stupak, Michigan’s 1st District Democrat.

Stupak has signed a discharge petition which would force a vote in the House of Representatives on the seriously flawed, anti-immigrant Shuler-Tancredo bill (The SAVE Act, HR4088). Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership are correctly trying to stop a vote on this seriously flawed bill. Stupak has broken with his Democratic leadership by signing the discharge petition which would bring the measure up for a vote.

The discharge petition seeks to bypass the congressional process to carefully examine a bill, denying the relevant committees the opportunity to review the bill’s merit, or allowing the members to offer amendments that improve the bill. If proponents gather 218 signatures, the SAVE Act will go to the floor of the House for an up or down vote. This is no way to address the complex immigration issue.

Contact him and ask that he not break with his Party’s leadership and that he remove his name from the discharge petition. The far right has organized a big campaign to pressure House members to support the discharge; they must be stopped.

To call: D.C. office: (202) 225 4735

To email, go to:

The Save Act is no savior. The SAVE Act would:

Expand the social security no-match verification system to cover all employers and all workers without addressing the well documented flaws of the system. The 17.8 million errors in the E-Verify database, if not corrected, may jeopardize the jobs of an estimated 12.7 million US citizen workers whose information appears incorrectly in the data base.

Cost tax payers billions of dollars to build more fences and walls – a horrible way to deal with people in search of work.

Divert needed law enforcement resources from community safety and force them to act as immigration officers, instead of protecting the people and solving crimes.

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