Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Draft Immigration pamphlet

This a work in progress by the CPUSA's Political Action Committee on the issue of immigration.


In the buildup to the 2008 elections, the right wing
Republicans have decided to make immigrants the scapegoat
for the failures of the Bush administration and the
shortcomings of the capitalist system. In this, they are
abetted by right wing personalities on cable TV, talk radio
and the print media. Many vicious lies are being told about
immigrants. This little pamphlet is designed to provide you
with the correct information about the impact of immigrants
, with or without papers, on the United States today. We
invite your comments and urge you to share this information
with co-workers, relatives and neighbors. Write to:


*Mexico and other poor countries have been severely harmed
by their subordination to the interests of US and
international corporations via free trade pacts like the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

*After NAFTA came into force in 1994, 1.3 million Mexican
farmers were driven out of business by cheap US grain
imports, and undocumented Mexican immigration to the US
went up by 60%.

*Similar things have happened in other poorer countries,
leading to a massive worldwide labor migration to the
wealthier countries.

*Large scale employers in the United States have been glad
to take advantage of the cheap labor, and have sent labor
recruiters into economically depressed areas of Mexico,
Central America and elsewhere.

*When they do, the US government and corporations intervene
with threats, bribery and even military force to stop
change from taking place.

*The us has recently sponsored coups, civil wars and
dictators in Haiti, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and
Honduras, leading to the deaths of thousands, and put heavy
economic pressure on other countries, including Mexico, to
keep their economies open to US corporate penetration.


*Until after World War I, almost any white person could come
here legally to live and work, though non-whites from Asia
and Africa were barred.

*Now it is nearly impossible for most people who don’t have
relatives here or specialized skills to come at all.

*In 2005 the US government gave out only 5,000 permanent
legal resident visas for low skilled workers. Even people
married to US citizens sometimes have to wait years to join
their spouses.

*So it is not a matter of “butting ahead in line”, but of
being completely excluded from the line in the first place.

*Desperate to get money to support their families and
excluded from the visa system, many immigrants risk their
lives to come here without papers.


*Most studies find that immigration does not contribute to
the overall unemployment rate.

*While immigrant workers, with or without papers, “take”
jobs, they also interact with the economy as consumers and
taxpayers, which creates jobs.

*Focusing on immigrants “taking” jobs blinds us to the many
other things that deprive people opportunities, such as
racism, the dismantlement of affirmative action, the
wasteful military budget, and weak labor laws.


*There is no doubt that some employers and industries use
the vulnerability of undocumented immigrant workers to cut
wages, benefits and working conditions. But they can only
do this because the immigrants don’t have legal rights.

*This is demonstrated by the way construction contractors
used the exploitation of immigrant workers to pull down
wages of African-American and other workers in New Orleans
after Hurricane Katrina.

*Whether this brings down US wages overall is less clear.
Outsourcing and weak, poorly enforced labor laws are the
real culprits.

*If immigrant workers had rights on the job, they would not
tolerate being exploited in this way, and would join with
US born workers to fight for better conditions for all.


*8.5 percent of foreign born workers were members of labor
unions in 2006, similar to the national average of

*Immigrants are joining labor unions in increasing numbers.
In 1996 8.9 percent of union members were foreign born,
while in 2006 this number jumped to 12.3 percent.

*Immigrant workers have been at the forefront of many recent
labor actions including organizing drives and strikes in
all areas where they are concentrated, including
agricultural labor, food processing, construction, retail
trade, hospitality and services.

*Employers regularly use fear of arrest and deportation as a
way of breaking up union organizing efforts and labor
actions where immigrant workers are involved.


*All immigrants, undocumented and documented, pay sales
taxes every time they buy something.

*They also pay all property taxes either on property they
own, or through their rent, plus all local government fees.

*The majority of undocumented and documented immigrant
workers pay their federal and state income taxes; most of
the rest would do so if they could find a way.

*Undocumented workers subsidize the Social Security Trust
Fund to the tune of $7 billion dollars per year: They pay
into it, but can not get anything out of it for fear of
being detected.


*Numerous studies show that the rate of violent and property
crime among immigrants, with or without documents, is lower
than that of comparable sectors of the US born population.

*As more immigrants have come into this country, the rate of
serious crimes has been declining, including in cities of
greatest immigrant settlement. Anti-immigrant agitators try
to give the opposite impression by highlighting a few cases
of shocking crimes committed by immigrants, but statistics
show the opposite.

*The rate of incarceration of immigrants is higher in
federal prisons, but the number of prisoners in state,
county and local prisons is nearly 8 times that of the
federal prison population, and shows a far lower presence
of immigrants.


*Even though many new immigrants, especially undocumented
ones, come from conditions of poverty, they are healthier
than the overall US population, and use health care
services less.

*However, as immigrants stay in the United States, their
health situation deteriorates, because they are often stuck
in dangerous, dirty and underpaid occupations and in poor
neighborhoods without adequate health facilities.


*The vast majority of undocumented and documented immigrants
have nothing whatever to do with terrorism, and come here
only to work and to be with family.

*All of the 9-11 terrorists came here on legal visas issued
by the US government.

*Born US citizens such as Timothy McVeigh have also
committed terrorist acts.

*If economically motivated immigrants could have a legal way
of coming here, the danger of terrorists coming in secretly
would be lessened.


*As mentioned above, all immigrants pay local taxes and most
pay federal and state income taxes, which finance our
schools, health clinics and other services. They are not
getting a “free ride”.

*Immigrant workers generate fortunes for their employers.
However, Republican administrations since Reagan have given
the wealthy huge tax cuts. If these tax cuts were rolled
back, there would be enough money to finance needed
services for everybody, immigrant and US born.

*New immigrants are younger and healthier than the overall
population, and thus use fewer of the health and social
services needed by the aging population.

*Because they are younger on the average, new immigrants
have proportionally more children in school. However, they
pay property and sales taxes that in most areas support
school budgets.


*US overpopulation is a myth. The USA ranks 146th of the 196
countries of the world in population density.

*The real threat to the environment is the vast waste of
energy and natural resources by the rich and super rich in
this country, and the failure of the government to address
issues of renewable energy, environmental pollution and
global warming.


*There have always been other languages spoken alongside
English in the United States, including Native American
(Indian)languages, Spanish in the Southwest and Florida,
French in Louisiana, and Low German in Pennsylvania. This
has never represented a “threat” to the English language.

*While new immigrants may struggle a bit with the language,
the second generation always speaks English fluently, and
this is just as true of Latino immigrants today as it was
of other immigrants in the past.

*All over the country, classes to teach English to
non-English speakers are jammed full.

*The vast majority of new immigrants believe fervently in
democracy, freedom and social justice, and thus are a boon
to our values instead of a menace.

*The real threat to our culture and values comes from the
ultra-right which tries to undermine democracy, freedom and
social justice.


*Right wing politicians and their media supporters want to
distract the public’s attention from the failures of the
Bush administration and the Republicans in Congress, and
are using the “illegal immigrant” scare to do this.

*In local communities, right wing politicians are afraid of
losing power due to demographic changes, and try to stave
this off by using anti-immigrant campaigns to push Latinos
and others out of town.

*Big business interests want cheap labor but do not want
low-paid workers to have rights. So they connive in terror
campaigns against immigrant workers which have the effect
of keeping them quiet and underpaid, and the workers


The solution is NOT to hang a “keep out” sign on the Statue
of Liberty’s torch, or to waste vast amounts of taxpayer
money on a useless and environmentally destructive border
fence. It is, rather, to carry out a comprehensive,
worker-friendly immigration reform with the following

*Legalization of the current undocumented immigrants, as
quickly and cheaply as possible, with full labor and civil
rights and a clear path to citizenship.

*Changes in US visa policies so that ordinary people who
want to come here and live and work can do so without
violating laws or risking their lives.

*Avoid guest worker schemes that keep foreign workers in
conditions of serfdom without the right to defend
themselves or integrate themselves into our society.

*Give immigrant workers the same rights on the job and in
the community that other workers have, so that they can
fight together with their US born

*Fight for changes in US trade and foreign policy so that
poorer countries are allowed to develop their economies
without subordination to multinational corporate interests
or US government interference.


Aviva Chomsky, 2007 “’They Take our Jobs!’, and 20 Other
Myths About Immigration”. Beacon Press, www.beacon.org.

Jane Guskin and David L. Wilson, 2007 “The Politics of
immigration: Questions and Answers” Monthly Review Press,

Political Research Associates: “Defending Immigrant Rights:
An Activist Resource Kit” www.publiceye.org

And here are the places to start for researching this issue
on the Internet.

The Pew Hispanic Center has done many large scale studies on
the impact of immigration on the United States. Go to

A major resource for studies of immigration and its
implications is the Migration Policy Institute, at


The pamphlet looks really good, and i think it will be very effective in changing the hearts and minds of people who harbor racist notions about immigrants that they were fed by the ultra-right. My only suggestion is under the Do Immigrants Cause Unemployment? section to add that workers cannot take jobs from each other, only bosses take jobs. In some cases bosses may fire white workers so they can hire immigrants (documented or not), and pay them way less to maximize profits through racism. The notion that a worker can take a job from another worker is just another ploy that the ultra right uses to help divide the working class along race lines.



Anonymous said...

My Comprehensive Immigration Reform:

1. No more people of non-Western European countries are allowed to immigrate to the United States.

2. English is to be made the official language of the United States. Only people who speak fluent English are permitted to remain in our country.

3. Non-Western Europeans are allowed to immigrate to the United States only if they score a 140 on an IQ test (and that test must be done in English).

4. All forms of welfare and social security are immediately ended.

5. Our soldiers are taken out of the Middle East and put on the U.S.-Mexican border with orders to shoot to kill anyone who is entering our country illegally.

6. At airports, foreigners with visas who have permission to stay in the United States for a certain length of time are injected with a tracking device. If they remain in the country after their visas expire, the government will hunt them down, fine them, and deport them.

7. Anchor babies have their American citizenship revoked. They are to be deported to the homelands of their parents.

8. A wall is built on the U.S.-Mexican border that would put the Great Wall of China to shame.

9. Piranha are introduced to the Rio Grande River to deter people from swimming across it.

10. Anyone who is caught abetting illegal immigration (business, politicians, clergy, etc) will be tried as traitors to the country and dealt with accordingly.

11. Government security forces use racial profiling in attempt to hunt down illegal aliens.

12. Anyone who is in the country illegally would be branded and then returned to their homeland. If our government ever comes across an illegal alien in our country who has been branded, they are obviously a repeat offender and will be dealt with accordingly.

13. No amnesty and no guest worker programs.

14. The ten countries that receive the most remittances from illegal immigrants who live in the United States would have extreme tariffs placed on their exports to our country.


Joe Sylvester said...

Application of theory...what kind of bullshit is that?? Your theories have been tried and they have caused death and destruction on a greater level than any other belief in the entire history of the world.

Kyle J. Bristow said...

Leftists scum should be put in the Gulag. They need to be re-educated.

Anonymous said...

hey racist scumbag:

i bet you cry yourself everyday when you see brown and muslims walking down the campus. Dont worry, I am one of them, and its true, i try really hard to destroy that fraud called civilization and culture.

too bad you won't be helping the white race any time soon--nobody wants to fuck such a sad piece of shit like you.

Anonymous said...

hey kyle, remember when you had an allsmu profile?

that is what i mean when i meant you wont ever reproduce.

Frank Partisan said...

Trolls hate being ignored.

I found this blog researching a topic. Really good blog.

Leave it to the CPUSA to only put heat on the Republicans. That has been going on for 60 years.

RedLenin said...

so i see that there has been constructive comments here....

"Leftists scum should be put in the Gulag. They need to be re-educated."

oh kyle, you're hilarious. You're a big Pinochet fan right? Paleoconservative seems like a bit of a misnomer for you if you enjoy fascist regimes so much.

Joe, your theories have managed to destroy the earth for the profit of a few, congrats.

yaf? while your 14 point program is cute and all, there are quite a few problems. For example: #2, what if someone has a language impairment, or is deaf and cannot "speak" english? Are you going to execute the handicapped? I know you guys love fascism, but i didn't know you were into eugenics.

#4, so you're going to tell all retired people that they have to go back to work? Or are you going to exterminate them too?

#6 a tracking device!?!?!?!?! I thought you were into the whole Alex Jones thing, with all the talk of the "globalists" taking over and Ron Paul support, and you want to put RFID chips in people?

#9, so you're willing to destroy the ecosystem in the river to keep people out....not surprising...

#10 you're just going to keep on executing people....you're starting to sound like the "stalinists" that you profess so much hatred for.

#11 racial profiling? wow, classy.

#12 more racist executions?

#13, hey, it's your party that wants to use racism to exploit foreign workers at home and abroad. The guest worker program is a terrible idea, unless they give the guest workers the same rights as regular workers.

#1 nice, more racism, you guys never cease to amaze me.

-marmot, those comments aren't needed, but i understand the anger.

-renegade eye, thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

people who think "communism" killed millions dont know what "communism" means. it would be like saying, "christianity" killed millions.

people kill people, ideas don't.

By the way, the "100" million figure, pulled out by vicious reactionaries, has been debunked numerous times.

J'arch getty, probably the most prominent sovietologist, and professor of UCLA said:

"Are deaths from a famine caused by the stupidity and incompetence of the regime (such deaths account for more than half of Courtois's 100 million) to be equated with the deliberate gassing of Jews? Courtois's arithmetic is too simple. A huge number of the fatalities attributed here to Communist regimes fall into a kind of catchall category called "excess deaths": premature demises, over and above the expected mortality rate of the population, that resulted directly or indirectly from government policy. Those executed, exiled to Siberia, or forced into gulag camps where nutrition and living conditions were poor could fall into this category. But so could many others, and "excess deaths" are not the same as intentional deaths....It would be more polemical than accurate to equate famine deaths, victims of police terror, and deaths in Nazi gas chambers with the plight of Russians unable to buy food and health care today. One could place many of the century's deaths in any of several categories, according to the political point one wanted to make. Should we blame premature deaths in Russia today on the legacy of communism or on the failed policies of reformers? For how many deaths under Stalin should we blame communism? Stalin's personal paranoia? Backwardness or ignorance? We might do better to try to understand these grisly statistics in their contexts, rather than positing large polemical categories and then filling them up with bodies. Good history is about balanced interpretation and is usually more complicated than categorisation or blame.

Was the potato famine in Ireland, caused by the stupidity of a regime, genocide?

I am not going to apologize for wanting the total emancipation of humanity.

Anonymous said...

"people who think "communism" killed millions dont know what "communism" means. it would be like saying, "christianity" killed millions."

Christianity has killed many, many people. Ever hear of the crusades? Oh, my mistake, Muslims don't count as people. Their deaths don't count.

You should be thankful that Christianity killed all those witches. The world no longer has any witches thanks to the Catholic Church. The only witches that exist are posers.

Joe Sylvester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Sylvester said...

Keeping the heat on??? Are you kidding... the only thing worse then being a communist in this country in being a child molester. You guys are making great strides haha

Joe Sylvester said...

RedLenin: Please tell me what my "theories" are that have destroyed the earth? As best I can tell, the earth is functioning.
Secondly, do I know you? How do you know anything about what I think?

Marmont: You say "Are deaths from a famine caused by the stupidity and incompetence of the regime."
The answer is YES! In the case of China when you starve your people to death to by weapons from the Soviet Union to declare a global revolution. Revolutions kill people. Ideas that are acted upon kill people. Especially ones as inherently evil and vile as communism.

You also cite Christianity and the crusades as examples of mass murder. Let me start by saying that the crusades were in a different time. Land was money and something that people fought over. A war between two people is not the same as Mao Zedong raping his country and killing 1/4th of it's population to achieve utopia (what he said)...which never happened. But in reality it was his way to power.
The same thing applies to Josef Stalin. They were the worst butchers in history. Because of their idea of "socialism."
Communism failed in the USSR.
Communism has been alive and well in China and Cuba for the better part of a half century. They are now poor shit holes, 3rd world and barbaric.

I am genuinely interested in seeing if you can produce any evidence about something good that has happened in the actual application of communism. I see hundreds of millions of people dead and the countries turned into 3rd world states.

As far as the crusades...both sides fought wars for their religions... that is NOT comparable to dictators killing their own people to achieve power and cause war.

RedLenin said...

uhh, Joe, do you know the difference between Communism and communism?

Anonymous said...

So the idea of a "classless, stateless, society", were humanity is emancipated in its totality, is vile?

I don't frankly care that much about the legacy of the Soviet Union and China, seeing that I do not align myself with them. However, I do understand that the statistics expoused by vile reactionaries, are nothing more than agitprop. The "100 million" figure is beyond ridicule, and it was printed in the days the Soviet Archives were closed to the public.

Stalin didn't "kill" more than Hitler. According to Soviet archives, the figure was around "800 000". Its not me who says this, its an updated sovietologist that is a professor in UCLA. The numbers expoused by the likes of Conquest were nothing more than politicized drivel.

I am not going to demonize the USSR as the rabid anti-communists did. There were certainly some positive things about it, seeing that nowhere in earth did life expectancy arose in such a short period of time, and were industralization was not as brutal as it was in the western countries. Even with all the errors, and "purges", life expectancy rose so dramatically.

Besides, the stalinist bureacracy killed more communists than anything else. They crushed the revolutionaries in Spain, and destroyed the old revolutionary cadre of the communist party.

However, socialism means generalized democracy and control over the means of production and our lives. The soviet experiment failed for numerous reasons--perhaps, the most important was that the revolution never spread, and continual harassment of imperialist nations and counterrevolutionaries. Militarization came as a need to counter counterrevolutionaries and foreign troops who were aiding the whites. Indeed, the early soviet experiments were some of the most fascinating and democratic humanity has ever seen.

To me communism is not a fixed ideology--it is a movement towards complete emancipation. Every time people fight for better conditions in their workplace, every time people fight against racism, opression, slavery etc, the spectre of communism is present.

I understand why people like you would be against this. After all, communists fight against Gods, Countries, and Masters, and seeing how miopic right wing conservatives cannot look beyond their borders and their tradition, they are already dead in their hearts and imagination, because they are not creative enough to even conceive new situations.

The communist tension is still alive, as there is still a "master slave dialectic". Unless classes are abolished, the tension against class society won't dissipate.

Kyle J. Bristow said...

Where is Ian Smith, Augusto Pinochet, Francisco Franco, or Sen. Joe McCarthy when you need them?

RedLenin said...

Ian Smith, Augusto Pinochet, Francisco Franco, and Sen. Joe McCarthy are rotting in the ground.

Where else would they be?

ADJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ADJ said...

Joe Sylvester said:

“I am genuinely interested in seeing if you can produce any evidence about something good that has happened in the actual application of communism. I see hundreds of millions of people dead and the countries turned into 3rd world states.”

Uh, well, let's see:

1. Communist China’s economy has grown the point where it now finances most of America's debt (actually, second major source of U.S. borrowing; Japan is the #1 lender to the United States, with China in second). According to The Nation:

the U.S. budget deficit is financed by borrowing. More and more of that money comes from China, now the United States' second-largest lender, after Japan. China's investment in U.S. government debt has more than tripled in the past five years, from $71 billion in 2000 to $242 billion in 2005. [...]

Under pressure to pay for hurricane recovery, the war in Iraq, a costly transportation bill, tax cuts, and a new prescription drug program, Congress and the president have been unwilling to raise taxes or make deep spending cuts. The only alternative is to borrow.

2. Communist Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies in the world (4th), sparking the war criminal George W. Bush to offer praise to the last country to defeat United States imperialism through guerrilla warfare. Washington Post article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2006/11/17/AR2006111700418.html

3. Everyone knows that Communist Cuba provides those things that Americans wants but its capitalist democracy refused to give. This includes universal health car, free university education, and affordable housing. But what's not widely talked about until recently is the fact that Cubans have an average life expectancy is 77 years, and moving towards 80 years (www.granma.cu/ingles/2006/mayo/vier19/longevity.html). American life expectancy is currently the same at 77 years. Why is this significant? Because, despite U.S. invasions (Bay of Pigs), terrorism (i.e., CIA operative that blew up a Cuban airliner over Venezuela), and the illegal economic embargo, Cuba has been able to provide those basic things to their people that Americans continue to do without.

4. Joe Sylvester, like most hysterical right-wingers, claims that socialism is communism, or that Marxism is Stalinism. This is so patently ignorant that it doesn’t warrant an serious response. There are many articulations of Marxist-socialist theory (including non-Marxist socialism). Communism is one; democratic socialism is another. So what have we seen "good" along these lines?

For starters, the whole of South America has rejected neo-liberalism and embraced some form of democratic socialism. Indigenous and Black people -- who make up the majority of many South American nations -- are now beginning to get the basic things needed to sustain human life: equal access to water, education, jobs, and other "creature needs." But for fascists like Mr. Sylvester, such things are a threat to democracy and the American way of life.

And secondly, to a lesser extent, most European countries are social democracies. This means that they provide those basic things that Americans long for, and endure long suffering because their capitalist democracy won’t provide it to them (i.e., universal health care, free or affordable education through university level). Even Great Britain, Bush's partner in crime in Iraq, is a social democracy, governed by a democratic socialist party (albeit, in name only) for the past decade or so (the British Labor Party under Toney Blair, and now under Gordon Brown).

5. Lastly, Mr. Sylvester, Paeloconservative, or other right-wingers, if you're going to try to challenge something on this web bog, bring your A-game. Come with some statistics, some sources, and some evidence to back up your claims. Without it, you're just engaging in childish name-calling and polluting this blog with deep-seated ignorance.

You wanted a genuine answer. Now you have a genuine response.

Anonymous said...

"[I]f you're going to try to challenge something on this web bog (sic), bring your A-game."

Our "A-game" is illegal to carry out.

Joe Sylvester said...

RedLenin: Yes, I do. One is spelled with a lower case "c," and the other is not.

Marmont: You say that you don't align yourself with Red China or the Soviet Union. So basically you don't support any actual application of your philosophy. In reality it's devastating. I understand why you don't stand by those brutal, blood thirsty regimes.

Stalin didn't kill as many people as Hitler? Are you fucking nuts? According to Soviet archives. HAHAHA, wow, that's a GREAT SOURCE!

Please prove to me where the life expectancy rose dramatically. Do they factor in all of the people that died in the purges and in the gulags?? If you are basing that on a Soviet statistic, no respectable person would cite that as a reliable source.

The Soviet plan failed because it didn't spread? What the hell does that even mean?

If a country can't stand on it's own two feet, it's not doing so well.

1) America owing anything to a bloodthirsty communist regime IS not a good thing. They do not have the freedom to say or live as they please. That IS the ultimate violation of human rights.
2)The living standards in Vietnam are still overall terrible. Again, they do not have freedom.
3)Cuba is also a shit hole. American health care is far superior. Again, they do not have the freedom to say and live as they please.

I am a right winger! And whenever some person like you who has nothing going for them wants to create a slave society I take issue with that. Any application of any of the philosophies you have listed have resulted in massive loss of life and freedom.

America will never fall under communism or socialism so long as people are free. On Mao's death, he realized that global revolution was not possible. Despite his starvation of his people to send money to cause wars and buy weapons from the Soviets or acquire nuclear weapons that is the only thing that Mao achieved. Massive amounts of death and the destruction of a rich Chinese past.

RedLenin said...

Wow comrade joe, your powers of observation serve you well. Here, let me educate you:

communism- a theoretical classless, stateless, and equal society, where everyone lives by the principle of "each according to their abilities, each according to their needs."

Communism- Oppressive authoritarian "socialist" states, ruled by a "Communist" party. The Soviet Union/Eastern Bloc after Stalin came to power would be a good example.

American health care is superior to Cuba's health care?

Some World Health Organization stats:

Cuban Health Care Statistics:
Total population: 11,269,000
Gross national income per capita (PPP international $): not available
Life expectancy at birth m/f (years): 75/79
Healthy life expectancy at birth m/f (years, 2002): 67/70
Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births): 7
Probability of dying between 15 and 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population): 128/83
Total expenditure on health per capita (Intl $, 2004): 229
Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2004): 6.3

US health care Statistics:
Total population: 298,213,000
Gross national income per capita (PPP international $): 41,950
Life expectancy at birth m/f (years): 75/80
Healthy life expectancy at birth m/f (years, 2002): 67/71
Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births): 8
Probability of dying between 15 and 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population): 137/81
Total expenditure on health per capita (Intl $, 2004): 6,096
Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (2004): 15.4

Cuba has amazing health care, especially when you consider that fact that there is a Genocidal economic embargo that has been placed upon them by the Imperialist US, which makes medicine harder to get.

Critics call Cuban blockade ‘genocide’: http://www.pww.org/article/view/11825/

I love how you ultra righters have to resort to putting down an ideology you obviously know nothing about, so that you can cover up the fact that you have no real solution to immigration.

Kyle J. Bristow said...

"[Y]ou have no real solution to immigration."

I believe that was the very first comment left on this post.

RedLenin said...

you seriously think those 14 points are a solution to immigration?

once again, paleoconservative is a complete misnomer for you.

your A-game is illegal? Hahahaha, you're such a badass kyle.

Anonymous said...


"Although some authorities had written about this earlier,4 it was not until the 1970s and later that many students of mortality and survivorship noticed how quickly the countries that had adopted Lenin’s ideas about economic and social policy had added years of survivorship for their populations. The Soviet Union, China, and other countries associated with them, including such seemingly unlikely places as Albania,5 had added rapidly to life expectancy at birth. Before their revolutions they had all, except East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, lagged far behind global leaders in life expectancy. By the 1960s they had closed most of that gap. Indeed the Soviet Union, China, and their satellite states had added years of survivorship at a faster pace than they had added income or even industrial capacity."


Right from Cambridge buddy.

Keep in mind we were talking about backward, feudalistic hellholles, that were able to develop at an incredible speed and keep up with the life expectancy of first world countries in such a short period of time.

That says loads.

About the USSR:

The soviets installed in the revolution were very democratic, and in fact, the revolutionaries were the first people in the world to proclaim the right to vote for women.

However, you dont think that if Imperialists constantly harrass a country, its not going to bureacratize? Lenin expected for the revolution to spread to other parts, like Germany, hoping that this would help to safeguard the revolution. There was an aborted socialist insurrection in Germany, lead by the Spartacus League, but it was lamentably, put down.

I do align myself with Cuba, by the way.

RedLenin said...

the 1st Soviet constitution not only gave the women the right to vote, but it also gave full rights to homosexuals, until being homosexual was recriminalized in 1933 under Stalin.

also, VIVA CUBA!

Kyle J. Bristow said...

"[B]eing homosexual was recriminalized in 1933 under Stalin."

I guess Stalin wasn't as bad as I thought he was. Tell me, how many homos did he send to the Gulag?

Joe Sylvester said...

I thank God, Mary and the Pope that your guys' ideas are largely confined to the dumpsters of political thought.

Your ideas have had ample opportunity to work and they never have. You cite people living longer as a plus of communism. I tell you that I would not want to live one day without freedom, that to me is priceless. To Hell with a 6 month increase in life span if it means sacrificing human rights.

You make excuses for the worst massacres in history. Shame on you. Don't think your thinly veiled criticisms are not noticed. A radical who uses lukewarm words is a liar.

You guys are just flat out wrong. I pray you will grow out of this evil phase in your life.

In re: to Kyle's comment about his plan being illegal. I understand what he is saying. Viva Pinochet! He would know how to deal with you sowers of discord.

Followers of socialism and communism are unproductive. They want everyone else to supply what they cannot attain or achieve themselves.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is well and alive. Just step a little bit to the south--there are millions of socialists.

Its just that the swing is not in the east anymore--its coming from Latin America.

Your last post--which was nothing more than insults, pretty much showed how you can't do anything against hard cold facts.

Anonymous said...

Now if you go carryin round pictures of Chairman Mao...you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow

Joe Sylvester said...

The arrest of Pinochet in 2000 brings up the issue of which other leaders should be or should have been tried for atrocities committed during their rule. Here is a tentative list of modern dictators (and assorted mass murderers) and the estimated number of people killed by their orders (excluding armies they were formally at war with). In Stalin's and Mao's cases, one has to decide how to consider the millions who died indirectly because of their political decisions. The Chinese cultural revolution caused the death of 30 million people (source: the current Chinese government), but many died of hunger. Stalin is responsible for the death of 17 million Russians, but only half a million were killed by his order. Khomeini sent children to die in the war against Iraq, but it was a war, so they are not counted here. The worst genocide of recent times was committed by many hutus, not just by their leader. Needless to say, I make a big distinction between killing soldiers and killing civilians. The US killed three million people in Vietnam, but the vast majority were either regulars of north vietnam or vietcongs. I don't count those as victims of atrocity. When American presidents decided to bomb the rice fields in North Vietnam, knowing that they would only kill women and children, those are counted as genocide. (Read the end of this page for why the nuclear bombs are not considered genocide).

Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,000
Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39) 23,000,000 (the purges plus Ukraine's famine)


Anonymous said...

yeah quoting some random music historian with a shitty internet website is a great source.

you fail horribly.

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment on this but some of them are so stupid that I can't take it seriously? Such as put piranhas in the Reo Grande, okay good luck with that. Building a wall across the border, that's also worked out real well in history. Branding illegals, okay now you're just getting ridiculously stupid. I really don't understand how someone can be so ignorant as to require people to take an IQ test, i'm sure if your potato starved ancestors took an IQ test they wouldn't score higher than the potatoes they were missing. I honestly can't say anything more because this is so idiotic that it doesn't even warrant counterpoints.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the majority of the 3 million, which I doubt is a true estimate of deaths, vietnamese deaths were vietcong or guerrillas. If you ever opened a book not written by Bill O'Reilly you'll maybe hear about the My Lai massacre, look at that and tell whats worse, capitalism and its evil twin imperialism or communism which wants to build inwards.

Anonymous said...

Just Remember This: Arbeit Macht Frei.

Anonymous said...

The slant-eyed gooks got what they deserved.

Fuck communism. Fuck the Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

too bad you got your ass kicked out of vietnam =)

Anonymous said...

As much as people want to say fuck another group of people its out of the total fact that you know they're better than you. They beat the biggest military power in history and got the whole world on their side. If it wasn't for Stalin and the USSR everyone would be speaking german, so as much as you say we saved the Brits in WW2 , the USSR saved everyones ass.

Anonymous said...

To say that followers of communism/socialism want people to supply for them is farthest from the truth. Not everyone on this piece of rock has the ability to live a prosperous life, some need help. Some of the greatest minds of communism came from good house holds, it's not that they needed someone to care for them, its that their conscience told them to provide for the needy.

Anonymous said...

"If it wasn't for Stalin and the USSR everyone would be speaking german"

Warum ist das schlect? YAFers alles sprechen Deutsch, weil wir sind übermensch.

Wir wären alle jüdisch, wenn es nicht für Hitler war.

Karl Marx war jüdisch. Kommunismus ist jüdisch.

Anonymous said...

You communists are holocaust deniers. You deny that communism has killed tens of millions of people.

Anonymous said...

lol "communism is jewish" ahhahahahahahahahahahahaa.

i didnt know there were nazi untermenschen in yaf. i guess knuckleheads attract other knuckleheads.

we are not "holocaust" deniers, we don't deny terrible things happened in the soviet union etc. however, we understand they are exaggerated, as prominent scholars in prominent universities do too. Holocaust denier shitheads do not exist in academia, they are made up almost entirely of white supremacist scum and muslim fundamentalists.

becareful, ZOG is watching over you!

Anonymous said...

Let me rephrase, if Stalin didn't stop the Nazis, everyone not of Aryan(in the very stupid sense which Hitler defined it)descent would be dead, and then everyone else would speak german. But then again that seems like a situation which you wouldn't mind seeing come to fruition as demonstrated by your words.