Sunday, December 9, 2007

Notice to all Revolutionary Times Readers

Due to several extremely racist comments on this blog, all comments will now have to be approved before they are published.

Good job on showing your true colors right wingers, very classy.


Kyle J. Bristow said...


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that I can't write "spic," "nigger," or "kike" on this blog anymore?

Joe Sylvester said...

HAHAHA. boo hoo hoo. You censor insensitive remarks, but you have no problem with dirty commies coming here talking about how great the murder and enslavement of millions of people worldwide is a great thing.

Fuck communism!

RedLenin said...

the only reason i let these through is to show what YAF truly is, a raving pack of racists.

Anonymous said...

Did your mother dropped you from the third floor when you were a newborn joe? Because apparently, you keep repeating the same shit like a broken radio.

I completely pulverized your arguments, but instead of adressing the points I did before, you resort like always, to insults.

It does show a lot about you kids though: especially, when the people representing you are racist scumfucks that say things like "slant eyed gook" and "the nazis saved us from jewry".

Anonymous said...

We are not racists. We are racial realists.

Tell me, is Sickle Cell Anemia socially constructed? Only negroids can get it.

The difference between blacks and whites is that whites were put on earth by God while blacks evolved from monkeys.

That is where the term "porch monkey" comes from. They have adapted to life on porches.

You need to stop complaining about racism in this country. Slavery did the blacks good. It took them out of their third world jungle in which they spent all day picking lice out of each other's hair and throwing bananas at each other to a society where they could work. Blacks were better off under slavery than they ever were in Africa.

Anonymous said...

I heard that YAF is trying to bring Mussolini's granddaughter to campus. Is that true? Did Mussolini even have a family?

Anonymous said...

I know this "racial realist" gobbidygook you racists have been putting up to seem more "respectable". Its the same strategy fascists like the BNP and ex klan members like David Duke have been pursuing. You don't fool anyone except yourselves.

Its worrysome that reactionaries like you actually pose a threat--you are the same scum that shoots down migrant workers in the border, or that dress in tie and suit and permeate the mainstream conservative right.

Also, yeah mussolini's grand daughter is a neofascist who plays somewhat of a mainstream role in Italian politics.

WhiteDwarfStar said...

Are these commenters really YAF members? I thought YAF consisted of the type of right-wingers who like to try to prove they're the real anti-racists, how liberal and socialist policies are bad for Blacks and Latinos, ets. Is MSU YAF really so full of racist nutjobs?